The Big News: Star Wars purchased by Disney

Two subjects dominated the media this week in North America, giving us a break from the Presidential campaign, especially for us non-Americans. The first was Sandy. The second, of course, was this:

Many people have written about this story and I won’t try to reinvent the wheel. I’ll just summarize my feelings in the most efficient way possible:

1. I’m freaking out;

2. I’m not sure if this is awful or awesome;

3. Maybe at least now Vader can get his job back?

I’ve been mapping out some reactions online and feelings range from overjoyed to total anger and despair. Some say Disney can’t possibly make something worse than Episode III, which I prefer to pretend doesn’t exist. I could be optimistic and say they are right. Then again, Disney has the capacity of making horrible movies, like most of their sequels demonstrate.

When I learned the news the franchise had been sold, I braced myself for all the memes that were coming our way. I started collecting them on a Pinterest board. Here are a few of my favorites. All credits and more photos can be found here.

One thing is for sure, Disney knows how to suck people dry out of their money. If you thought there was already lots of Star Wars merchandise out there, get ready for more. That’s right, you’ll see more and more of this. I don’t necessarily mind merchandise as long as it’s tasteful, but sometimes more is just too much.

The fact that people are expressing their fear or excitement about what Disney might make of Star Wars proves how passionate they are about this franchise, which I would say has reached the level of a modern day mythology. In fact, Star Wars characters represent iconic persona like the good, the evil, the hero, the wise, and so one, so well, that they are often used as a canvas. They have become very dear to people. Reading comments on articles is a hobby of mine, and I wasn’t disappointed by what I found on this post by We Professionnal Liars. The post was Freshly Pressed, check it out!

How are you feeling about this whole idea of new Star Wars movies? Do you think Disney will respect the legacy and guaranty it lasts for decades to come? I suppose only time will tell…

Some of my favorite online articles on this topic:

Star Wars and Disney: Questions and Suggestions from one super fan

Will Disney Destroy the Star Wars Universe?

Disney Buys Lucasfilm and the Star Wars Sequels Begin

Video: George Lucas on the Future of Star Wars with Disney

Five Directors who Should Direct Star Wars Episode VII

Star Wars Mythology for Sale

About Marie-Pierre Renaud

I am an anthropologist living in Quebec city, Canada. I specialize in native studies and anthropology of health. I am a geek. I founded and now co-manage The Geek Anthropologist blog. I am working on transforming my memoir into a book and journal articles. I like to knit while watching Star Trek. Reach out to me for collaborations!

There are 7 comments

  1. anewdayrising79

    Well, I thought Disney buying Marvel would be a disaster, but … well, Avengers. Nuff said.

    This could turn out just fine, as long as they get the right people behind it. I, for one, am thrilled Lucas can no longer ruin the franchise without mitigation or accountability anymore.


    1. thegeekanthropologist

      The Avengers rules, but huhum, Thor? That one’s story was underdeveloped and shallow. I pretty much only liked Loki. Iron man movies were pretty good too, however…We’ll see. I’m glad Star Wars won’t end forever, and I agree at least Lucas won’t mess up his legacy anymore. I just hope people at Disney understand the value of what they are holding in their hands!


      1. anewdayrising79

        Thor was about as good as it could’ve been. The thing that bothered me most about that movie was the horrible props and costumes. I mean, dude clearly had a rubber axe; I wanted to throw things.


    1. thegeekanthropologist

      That Vader Mickey pic is great, but I’m not certain the “Hope” title is appropriate…yet. As you say, I’ll reserve my judgement of the new movies till until they are released. However, I get the feeling Disney is going to milk as much money out the the franchise as possible. I fear they’ll make it even more about merchandise than it already was. I just want it to go back to the basics of the first trilogy, a really good story and great characters, that is.


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