Join Our Team!

TGA is a community blog, and we are always interested in connecting with other geek scholars. Have something you want to write? Check out the guidelines for contributors!  Want to help out in other ways? Then this section is for you, because we have a few ways to do just that!

Editorial Team

As editors, we oversee the content of the blog. We review upcoming blog posts, conduct research on future series or projects that will occur in installments, moderate commentary, and communicate with interested contributors and readers. We strive to cultivate engaging, thought-provoking and entertaining posts.  If you have a particular area that you think could use increased attention on TGA and would be interesting in helping to edit that section into existence, let us know!

Community Manager

Our community management needs include moderating comment threads, keeping TGA’s various social media pages organized, and reaching out to other blogs, podcasts, etc.

Research Assistant

TGA’s team is working on several fascinating, mind-blowing research projects, and we try to improve our website constantly. We are looking for research assistants to help us.

For instance, academic work on geek culture is spread out across multiple disciplines and formats, and it can be hard for scholars new to the area to track all of that down.  We have a partial bibliography in place, but it could use some periodic annotating, expanding, and organizing.


Contributors to our site might be asked to review pieces from other contributors if they seem to match in areas of interest and expertise.


If you are an illustrator or designer interested in contributing visuals to the blog, please let us know.

Shadow Broker

Are you aware of everything happening in geek culture? Do you know the news before anyone else? Keep us and our readers up to date with the many events and debates arising in geekdom! (Yes, this is a Mass Effect reference.)


Do you think you can contribute in other ways? Feel free to write to us at info(at)


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