Monthly Archives: November 2012

Keep Calm and give that conference

Keep Calm and give that conference

On Friday, I will be presenting at a conference and will be preparing until then. This means I will be AFK (away from keyboard) for the rest of this week and will start posting next Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

CClone 365: An interview Kristina Alexanderson

CClone 365: An interview Kristina Alexanderson

On October 19th I published an interview with Stéfan Le Dû about his Stormtroopers 365 project. For a year, he published one photo a day on his Flickr account. By doing so, he and other photographers using a this concept inspired many others to try a similar project. 

This week I bring you an interview with Kristina Alexanderson, another photographer who uses Stormtrooper figurines in her photo. Despite the fact that they involve the same characters, her photos are completely different from Le Dû’s and reflect her personal style. Alexanderson started her project in 2011 and still creates photos. The albums CClone 365-2011 and The troopers of 2012 have been viewed tens of thousands of times and her project can be followed by Twitter or Facebook. Alexanderson kindly accepted to answer a few questions about her project for The Geek Anthropologist

The Nerd Girl Invasion

The Nerd Girl Invasion

Kudos to my friend Nico who found this hilarious video by the SMBC Theater. I’ve been collecting articles, photos, memes and blog post about geek or nerd girls for a while now. Women who are into geekdom, especially if they are pretty or do sexy cosplay, are accused by some of being “fake geek girls” and of only pretending to like geekdom to get the attention of men.