Posts Tagged 'space anthropology'

SpaceX’s biggest rocket flies for the first time: But Do We Understand What This Actually Means?

SpaceX’s biggest rocket flies for the first time: But Do We Understand What This Actually Means?

What if we trained our imaginations to appreciate that the way for reaching the stars in a Starship i.e., attaining knowledge, unity and harmony, was not strictly technological but social and cultural as well? What if we recognised that technological and social innovation did not come from the apparent eureka moments (and individualised capital) of the elites but the accumulated wisdom and creativity of our species?

The Death of Outer Space Dreams: Hard Decisions and a War of Utopian Demands

The Death of Outer Space Dreams: Hard Decisions and a War of Utopian Demands

“What if we found new ways of existing in the harsh places we’ve ruled out on our homeworld, before forcing ourselves into the ecosystems of others? What if we revisited the ways of the ancient sea-faring cultures and the desert nomads? Drawing inspiration not from the speculative but from the real, the here, the now, the pragmatic and the historic.”

Moon Monogamy 3: Participant Observation, Session 1

Moon Monogamy 3: Participant Observation, Session 1

As you can probably imagine, things can get pretty tense when you cram a thousand or so humans from a conglomeration of vastly different cultures onto a starship. Sure, we may only be 856 days into our multi-generational journey, and sure, we’ve gone through rigorous psychological testing (not to mention a hundred different physical and situational tests), and sure, we’ve all been deemed fit for “confined spaces and arduous, labor-intensive schedules,” but this is definitely not the first bar fight to occur on Ellis.