Monthly Archives: March 2013

Connecting The Dots Towards a Geek Anthropology

Connecting The Dots Towards a Geek Anthropology

Hey everyone, I’m Nick Mizer. Marie-Pierre has graciously allowed me to contribute to this blog and share my excitement for the topic of geek anthropology and our plans for an upcoming conference session on the topic.  I’m currently wrapping up my last semester of PhD coursework, and will be writing my dissertation on Dungeons & Dragons. I’ll also be presenting on geek culture at next week’s Popular Culture Association conference in DC, so if any readers of the blog will also be there, I’d love to meet!

Interview with JD Hancock

Interview with JD Hancock

This week I am happy to present the third interview in the Stormtrooper photography series! The first two, conducted with Stéfan Le Dû and Kristina Alexanderson, were about daily photography challenges. Today, JD Hancock kindly accepted to answer a few questions about his photo series for The Geek Anthropologist