Monthly Archives: January 2013

Stop Wasting Time Online (for 5 min) and Read an Anthropology Blog!

Stop Wasting Time Online (for 5 min) and Read an Anthropology Blog!

The Internet is a marvelous invention that has allowed people to learn fascinating new things, stay in touch with people and keep up with worldly events as soon as they happen.

New Year Resolutions, Picard style

New Year Resolutions, Picard style

With the New Year starting, tons of people decided what their resolutions would be for this year. By now, chances are they have already forgotten what these were and have gone back to their bad habits. If not, they might do so in coming weeks. Then again, it’s possible some rare individuals will make lasting changes in their life this year. I suppose we should strive to be these individuals.

Then again, life changing resolutions are so much work to keep up with. Isn’t it possible that people see to big and sabotage their own chances of success by choosing objectives to far out of reach? Or it might simply be that despite their best intentions, they never put in the real amount of effort needed to succeed. We all wish for the best, but what we really need to do it make it so.